Patchwork Saddlery specializes in Western and English saddle fitting, flocking, and repair services. We take great care to ensure that your saddle fits both you and your horse correctly and comfortably. There is a direct correlation between saddle fit and lameness and performance issues, so taking steps to promote optimal fit and comfort means less time spent dealing with issues, improved performance and more enjoyment for you and your horse.

Mon - Friday
10am – 5pm
Otherwise by appointment
Saddles: Come in and browse our selection of new, demo, and consignment saddles from all brands, English and Western disciplines. Sit in one of our saddles for yourself! We have a wide range of English and Western new, demo, and consignment saddles on hand for you to try.
Bridles: Find the perfect bridle to complement your meticulous show turnout, or reach a new training goal with your horse. We stock high-quality bridles and bits from favorite brands like Fairfax, Artemis, Hastilow, Montar and Fager.